Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Picture of Kuantan Enduro DH

Johan (MCC RIDER) otw to the FINISH line.

Johan again at the ROOTGARDEN section

jedi (ANIMAL-KLOVER) otw to the finish line on the final run

Jebat (ANIMAL-KLOVER) at the ROOTgarden section

me at the ROOTGARDEN section


Anonymous said...

betul ka kau orang nie animal sponsor?
Aku email animal HQ mereka sendiri terkejut dengan title Animal/KLOVER?

Sila beri penjelasan.

kyougeki6 a.k.a jedi said...

ko ni sape sebenarnya?
aku pun pelik.. sejal bila lak animal ada HQ kat kl?
sila beri penjelasan!!