Wednesday, September 17, 2008

DoWnToWn UrBaN RaCe

Pergh.. sport yang memang kini melekat dalam ati aku... skarang lak ditambah lak dengan ROAM anjur KLd di bukit jalil.. erm memang beh ah.. ntah la aku dapat masuk ke tak tau.. heheh dalam pemikiran tgh berpikir ni.. ye ah.. semua ramp die made from kayu tu.. heheh.. tak leh tgk ah.. takut.. hehe campur kalu jatuh kompom semen yang cium aku nanti.. heheh... oklah korang layan video yang aku download ni.. layanzzzz adios astalavista babeh chaos.. AzZiEyArDiE

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

KLd 2008 handle by Uncle Bully 76

Dear all...

is there any from kuantan mtb rider that wanna join this event?
i have seen the blog from uncle bully.. pergh it wuz really urban dh beb..
for me it is interesting but must know all the protective gear must be worn during this event.. who's know incident will happen..
anabody who wanna join or interested on the KLd 2008 please let me know.. we all can go there together..
owh.. before i forgot who's wanna knows the KLd track here is the blog that shows the track..

oklah.. adios chaos.. babai astalavista babeh..

MoRe On ThE BcDc NeWs...

AsSaLaMuAlAiKuM......GoOd EvEnInG To U AlL....

MoRe On ThE BcDc tHaNkS To GoD wE aLl Go ThErE oNe PiEcEs AnD CoMe HoMe OnE PiEcEs AlSo..
FrOm 8 Of Us OnLy 1 FrOm Us HaVe MaDe To ThE FiNaL RaCe..It WaS PokDiN..AnD ThAnKs To GoD alSo He MaDe WoN The HaRdTaIl CaTeGoRiEs On ThE 3Rd PlAcE...
I HoPe AlL Of The KuAnTaN RiDeR WiLl PaRtIcIpAtE iN OtHeR RaCeS ThAt HaNdLe In MaLaYsIa..

OkLaH AsTaLaViStA BaBeH AdIoS ChAoWs...


Monday, September 8, 2008